Konferanse: International Conference on Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness 2019

Det er en glede å dele invitasjonen til følgende konferanse om matematisk kreativitet og evnerikhet i Hamburg i august:

The 11th International Conference on Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG) 22nd – 24th August 2019.

The MCG conference aims at promoting mathematical creativity and giftedness in students of all ages and backgrounds, and supporting interested mathematics educators, mathematicians, psychologists, researchers, teachers and other in this topic interested people. The suggested topics will allow presentation of research, fruitful debate and opportunities for interaction among professionals with interdisciplinary interests.

The conference topic «Including the Highly Gifted and Creative Students – Current Ideas and Future Directions.»

The conference topic is further explained as follows:

Positions and discussions about the importance of creativity and giftedness depend on the requirements of societies in the respective historical situations. Today the relevance of an education in mathematics as part of STEM disciplines is highly accepted. We need creative problem solvers; we need people with high mathematical potential for working on actual and future questions.

The implementation in practice of the claim to an inclusive school brings high demands. Special attention must be paid to the fact that students with high mathematical potential should be recognized and promoted in line with their needs. Students should have ample opportunity to develop their creativity.

Submission of proposals

Papers (6 pages) or Symposium, Workshops and Posters (2 pages each) enters a peer review process. Accepted proposals are published in proceedings, previous proceedings can be downloaded from this link: http://www.igmcg.org/conferences Submit before 5th of January 2019.

Conference website: http://www.mcg2019.de/en/


Konferansen arrangeres av «International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness» (MCG). Organisasjonen ledes av professor ved Universitetet i Hamburg, Marianne Nolte som bl.a. har arbeidet med matematisk evnerike barn i Hamburg (Fostering Mathematically Talented Children – PriMa) siden 1999. Dr. Marianne Nolte skriver om The International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness at:

Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG) is an exciting topic that was overlooked in school education and in the educational research for a long time. The International Group for MCG
brings together mathematics educators, mathematicians, researchers,  and others who are inspired to nurture and support  the development of mathematical creativity and the realization of mathematical promise and mathematical giftedness.

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