Nettkurs: Giftedness and Learning Disabilities – Unearthing the Missed Diagnosis

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SENGifted (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) arrangerer jevnlig nettbaserte seminarer. Her kan du sitte hjemme i ro og mak og lytte til en ekspert holde foredrag. Du kan velge å lytte til det i «real time», men det går som regel om natten. En uke etter får du tilsendt en link til et opptak av seminaret med lyd og lysark.

Neste SENGinar har tema
Giftedness and Learning Disabilities:
Unearthing the Missed Diagnosis
Presented by Paul Beljan, PsyD, ABPdN

Dato og tid: 15. mars, 2012 – kl. 7:30 p.m. Eastern
Altså klokken 01.30 på natten hos oss.

Målgruppe: lærere, foreldre og rådgivere.

Pris: 40 USD = veldig rundt regnet 250 norske kroner.
Betales greit med kredittkort.

SENGinar Description

In this SENGinar, teachers, parents, and counselors will learn how to correctly diagnosis learning disabilities in gifted and talented children.

Characteristics of gifted and talented children can result in incorrect diagnoses, such as overlooking learning disabilities. Learning disabilities can take the form of academics (reading and math) or innate abilities in general learning that may relate to social learning.

In this SENGinar, Dr. Paul Beljan will review some of the basic tenets of giftedness that include intellect and asynchronous development. He will then turn to the nuts and bolts of learning disabilities: what they look like, how to assess them, and what to do about them in the contexts of the gifted population. The “discrepancy model” of learning disability will be dispelled in favor of understanding the brain basis of learning disabilities. Dr. Beljan will present several anecdotes and case examples to illustrate the process of learning disabilities.

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3 kommentarer til “Nettkurs: Giftedness and Learning Disabilities – Unearthing the Missed Diagnosis

  1. Flott at du legger link til dette – dette burde alle informere lærere og rektorer om, for det er en utmerket kilde til videreutdanning innen et felt de mangler kompetanse på!

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